Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Very Own Little Thing

I dreamt of my own little thing, my own blog since forever. I did have one, but i can't keep the same theme, plus i didn't update it since last year (so lazy). Well so now, here I am, writing my very own blog again, starting from the very first entry, again. I actually moved by a book that I read earlier, 'Catatan Matluthfi'. The very famous one. Its actually a compilation of his blog entries and his tweets. I found it so interesting that I felt I should write again in my blog. Yup. So here I am. Well, so basically I have nothing in my mind right now accept the fact that reading someone else's writings make me wanna write too. And I'm happy for that. So as for now, I'm having my 3rd sessional in a week. Its like Mock Exam. And then I'm gonna have my finals in about a month from now. Medical students' life is not as easy as seen. Or dream. My mom always says that fortune will only come with hardship. In order to gain something big in life, you have to do something big also. For me, studying medicine is the toughest thing I've ever done (oh I've climbed Mount Sina in Egypt too, so physically that's the toughest I guess). Honestly, up until now, I don't even know why I chose this field. I'm gladly think that this is what Allah has chosen the best for me. Alhamdulillah. Being a med student really thought me to be empathy on others who are not fortunate. If you are sympathy, you just feel sorry about others. But being empathy, you'll want to  help them. As for now, I always wonder how I a disease can be cured, what is the treatment, if nothing we can do, can't we atleast comfort the patient and his family, can we? Things like that always there in  my mind. But sometimes I realise my sense of respect towards patients become lesser day by day. Whenever we are asked to take a case, we asked questions without thinking about the patients' conditions and feelings. Whenever we are asked to examine, we do it without any shame, even if its towards opposite gender, we have no feelings of shyness anymore! Well, so say that that's what doctors are, no feelings at all. I think while we are students, we are already behaving like doctors. Ops, I guess I can't stop writing right now, maybe I'm too excited of having my very own blog after long time. Its 10.02 pm India time, and I still have 3 big chapters of Community Medicine to read before I can sleep so this is it then, I'll try to write more. In sha Allah.